We’ve been enjoying the chaotic family life that comes with having three sons (aged 7 to 15-ish). Angus, the youngest of the three is a fountain of dinosaur related knowledge!
We’ve got a great view of Loch Sunart and have had reasonable weather so far, even including a few really lovely sunny days. Laura decided the camera was getting too hot when we were paddling in the sea, but it soon cooled down after a quick dip. Still works though!
The only downside to coming here has been the appearance of a few bloodsuckers – we’ve had a couple of days of being eaten by midges, and Laura was lucky enough to find a little tick friend on her leg yesterday. (Dan and Katy make sure you bring some insect repellent with you…)
The work here has mainly involved helping with the shitake’s, moving the fungi blocks around and harvesting. It’s a pretty interesting way of making a living, certainly a bit different to how most smallholders fund their lives and has given us some food for thought as well as more delicious food for our rapidly expanding bellies.
Yesterday we took the family dog, Marmite, with us and walked up Beinn Resipol which is right behind where we are staying. We were very lucky to have a gorgeous sunny day and could see for miles – Mull rising out of the sea in one direction and the still snow encrusted top of Ben Nevis in the other.
The view towards Mull.
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