We departed the farm on Friday and headed to Ilfracombe for Julie and Craig’s wedding weekend. Despite the weather it was a wonderful weekend full of: catching up, stories of Oz and NZ, wind, CDs entitled ‘Free-wheeling’, gossip about Swindon, wine, rain, pasties, beautiful views, games of Taboo, rock pools, meeting Captain Hog, ball pools, beautiful dresses, greasy fish and chips, pirate eye patches, sky lantern hilarities, moving speeches, glimpses of sun, beaches, slides, scrumptious pancakes, toe-dabbling in freezing sea, laughter, pretty cup cakes, dancing to Take That, ice creams with clotted cream on top, smiles, hangovers, crosswords, election news (“Breaking News: a light has come on in No. 10”), sailing boats, greedy seagulls, deckchairs, boogie-woogie-ing, hills and wedding ceremonies looking out over the sea.
A brief stop in Bristol to call in on the allotment and do some plant-based necessities (thanks to Helen and Katie for putting us up and to Alex and Stu for nurturing our brassicas). Please now say a prayer for our newly planted out squashes, that they may survive these cold nights and prevent us from being kicked off of our plot.
Now we’re recuperating at home in Bampton with mum (dad, newly retired, is off gallivanting around France and Spain with Jeremy). We have taken Tiggy and Max for walks, eaten lots of food, explored some gardens of Oxford, cycled to see some woolly pigs, been to the pub, and had a car parking ticket. What adventures!
Sounds like an excellent weekend! Glad you were able to catch up with so many people!