Thursday faired a little better and we managed to get out for a last day of rat-baiting, unfortunately not to Annett as hoped but back to the first uninhabited island we visited, Tean.
In the week we got to meet up with Avril and Martin (Matt’s aunt and uncle) who came over for a few days, we had a table tennis championship with Jaclyn and Tristran and we had dinner round at Darren and Penelope’s, thanks all!
At the weekend we added some more islands to the tally, visiting Bryher
and St Martin’s
By the end our tally had reached 26 islands (admittedly, some were rather small!). After these two trips we could also add to our fascinating tally of dead sea-life: 1 dolphin, 1 squid, 2 puffins and 3 seals.
Of course we saw many more alive things!
We left a week ago today having had a fantastic six weeks in Scilly and were surprised to find it still wintry on the mainland. We have since done sheepy things in Shropshire: made the field lamb proof; cut away brambles which the sheep seem to treat as curlers, twisting them round their woolly locks; and moved the 4 from one corner of the field to the opposite corner, which took longer than anticipated. They are starting to look quite round now, there could be tiny lambs bouncing around in under 4 weeks!
Right now we are at Pauline and Roger’s (another aunt and uncle of Matt’s) house, dog-sitting for Harvey, Sally and Mac (aka Big Dog).
hoorah can't wait to see you both this weekend, we are bringing mountains of delish food and hopefully good weather! Countrysiiiiide! x x (Kelly)