Produce wise we had a great year, bumper crops of onions (which we are still eating)
Another great squash harvest - although thankfully not as many as last year! (still eating these too!)
Plenty of dried beans to keep us going through the winter.
During the summer the Crystal Lemon cucumber was so prolific we could hardly cope - we made at least three batches of sweet cucumber pickle.
Rainbow Chard, delicious as well as great to look at.
Our collection of brassicas are still going and keeping us well fed.
We also had lots of apples, unfortunately they don't store very well though but we made the most of them while they were in season.
The allotment has been a riot of colour, and amazingly we still have marigolds in flower now due to the unseasonably warm weather we've been having.
We've had a few wildlife encounters with newts, slowworms and I even got chased by a grass snake (no time to take a photo of that i'm afraid!)

Spot the difference through the seasons - and the addition of our new raised beds.
And finally the new lock on our shed after break-in number two...
Sheep update to follow soon!